Purebred dogs and cats are not immune from the risk of abandonment or being lost and many times they end up in shelters such as ours. We try to work with breed rescue as much as we can but if there is a request for a specific breed (or even a general type) of pet we will contact people that have submitted these requests before looking for alternative placements.

If you are looking for something specific, you too, can contact a breed rescue organization directly. Additionally, let your local shelter know that you are looking and they can keep you informed.

Feel free to let us know using our "Breed Request" form and we will put you in the system for future reference. We would love to place pets locally to reduce the stress that they sometimes undergo when being transported longer distances to organized breed rescue organizations.


Charlevoix Area Humane Society

Special Breed Request Form

Please submit this completed form to CAHS so that we can place your name on our breed request list. We will notify you if and when a pet is available which closely matches your request.